OR Gate Verilog Behavioral

Two Input OR Function

Design Code (Behavioral style)
module or_function(output f, input a, b);   // type of variable is declared inside module parameter lists
  wire f;
  assign f = a|b;

Test Bench code

module or_test;
  reg x, y;  //because these are used in left side in initial blocks 
  wire z;   // since is a not used in left side in initial block, it could be wire type
  or_function F1 (z, x, y);
      $monitor("a=%b b=%b f=%b", x,y,z);  // $monitor directive: print whenever there is change in x, y, z
      x = 1'b0; y = 1'b0;  // single bit of binary 0
      #5 x = 1'b0; y = 1'b1;
      #5 x = 1'b1; y = 1'b0;
      #5 x = 1'b1; y = 1'b1;

a=0 b=0 f=0
a=0 b=1 f=1
a=1 b=0 f=1
a=1 b=1 f=1

1. $monitor directive
  • It displays whenever there is change in any variable in the variable list.
2. 1'b0
  • It is a way of representing a number
  • <size>'<base><no.>
  • 1'b0 means 1 bit wide, binary 0
  • similarly 3'b010 means 3 bit wide binary 010 
  • 3'b111 = 3'o7 octal representation
  • 8'b11110000 = 4'hF0 hexa representation


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