HALF ADDER UDP Style Verilog

HALF ADDER (User Defined Primitive (UDP) Style)

  • Behavioral/Functional Codes can be expressed in a form of Boolean expression (Data flow type (assign)) and in form of truth tables (Using UDP).
  • So UDP tables also defines the behavior/functionality of a system.
  • In both cases, only behavior of circuit is expressed.
  • It doesn't tell about the internal circuit design i.e. which gates are used normal logical gates or universal gates, how they are interconnected or at transistor level how transistors are interconnected.  

primitive HA_sum(Sum, a, b);   // Similar to module, output 1st, then inputs
input a, b;
output Sum; // for combinational ckt, output must be of output type
  // a b : sum  // input's order must be same
     0 0 :  0;
     0 1 :  1;
     1 0 :  1;
     1 1 :  0;

primitive HA_Cout(Cout, a, b);  // For each output, separate UDP is defined
input a, b;
output Cout;
  // a b : Cout
     0 0 :  0;
     0 1 :  0;
     1 0 :  0;
     1 1 :  1;

Test Bench

module HA_test;
  reg a,b;
  wire Sum, Cout;
  HA_sum HA1 (Sum, a, b);   // Instantiation
  HA_Cout (Cout, a, b); // Instantiation, name is optional
      $display("a b \t Sum Carry");
      $monitor("%b %b \t  %b    %b", a,b,Sum,Cout);
      a=1'b0; b=1'b0;
      #5 a=1'b0; b=1'b1;
      #5 a=1'b1; b=1'b0;
      #5 a=1'b1; b=1'b1;
      #5 $finish;

a b Sum Carry
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1

User Defined Primitive (UDP)

  • It is used to define truth table and state table.
  • Each UDP can be used to implement single function (or single output).
  • No vector declaration.
  • In port list, a single output variable is written first, then input variables are mentioned.
  • Syntax for truth table: <inputs> : <output>
  • Inputs must be mentioned in same order as in port list.
  • For combinational circuit, output is declared as output.
  • For sequential circuit, output is declared as reg.
  • Default output is x (don't care)
  • At max 10 input variables can be defined for combinational ckt and 9 input variables can be defined for sequential ckt.


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